If You Don’t Believe In Yourself, Who Will?

“Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except
by those who dared believe that something inside
of them was superior to circumstance.” 
-Bruce Barton 

The most notable person in Indian history is Mahatma Gadhi. He was not someone who was very charismatic like Hitler and John F. Kennedy nor was he very strategic like Napoleon Bonaparte and Julius Cesar.
He was unlike the usual stereotypic heroes and leaders we admire today who may be physically strong, fluent, charming, and talented. All Gandhi wanted was to be left alone to reflect about life and not be disturbed by the issues of other people. In fact, he was a very simple man. He was not rich, powerful and popular but he was simple and poor. Despite these qualities (or the lack of it), when he saw the abuses against the Indian people, he stood up and led millions of his countrymen to fight. He fought not by the use of swords and guns but with patience, fasting and peaceful dialogues. Of course the English government which was India’s colonizer at that time was against him. What was surprising was even a lot of Indian bureaucrats and his countrymen were also against him. Despite this, Gandhi went on and continued to lead millions of Indian people. And sure enough, this very simple man brought the powerful England to its knees and gave India the freedom it had been longing and is now enjoying today. Like Mahatma Gandhi, successful and significant people in the world who we look up to have a certain quality which makes them the people we know now. Despite all the circumstances and odds they face, they’re able to be in the position they’re in in life because of this certain quality. And this quality is no other than SELF BELIEF.

Believe it or not and if you just look closely, successful and significant people are successful and significant people because they believe in themselves. Sure, they have their share of weaknesses and circumstances don’t go their way all the time but they believe in their capability to do what they need to do regardless of their weaknesses and circumstances.  Webster defines the word “belief” as “to do, act or think what one sets his mind to. It’s synonymous with faith and confidence. If you believe in yourself, you’ll have faith and confidence in yourself to do what you set your mind to.

The good news is all of us have the ability to believe in ourselves that we’re meant for greater things. Unfortunately, a lot us have lost faith in ourselves. This is because we’ve experienced some things where we attempted to do something and failed or made mistakes. There a lot of people who are hunted by their past and finds it very hard to believe in themselves. That’s why they stick to the status quo. They do what’s simple and avoid making decisions and taking risks. These people live small lives and die never really knowing what it means to live.

On the other hand, there are also those who based their belief on themselves by the belief of people towards them. These people looks for approval even it means kissing the butts of people and are very dependent on the support and motivation of others. They want to be constantly affirmed but ironically find these affirmations hard to believe because they lack self belief.

Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve got news for you. The only way you can truly live this thing we call LIFE to the fullest is to have belief in yourself. It’s an inside job and no one in this world even the people close to you and you love can give that confidence in yourself but you. Sure, being motivated by those around us helps but in the final analysis it’s up to us to build that self belief. Believing in oneself is not an automatic thing but a process of self discovery and fascination. It’s about being able to know your own uniqueness, passions and strengths as well as your weaknesses and tendencies. Building confidence in yourself doesn’t happen overnight but it’s a step by step process. It’s about being able to do the small things in our lives so we’ll be able to do the bigger things in life. What’s important is to constantly build on that belief and never stop doing so even if we constantly fail and make mistakes. We learn from these failures and mistakes and press on to believe that we’re capable of applying these lessons in moving forward in life.

The quality life we aspire always starts with our belief to make that life. We can’t expect others to believe in us if we don’t believe in ourselves first for we cannot expect to give or receive something we don’t have. Regardless of whether we believe in ourselves or not, God believes that each and one of us has the capability to live the full life, to reach our fullest potentials. It’s our birthright! But like anything else, we got to put the work of believing in ourselves. We pay the price of building every bit of that confidence. Because by believing in ourselves, we’re able to make the life God wants us to live and fulfill our life’s purpose to the world. If you can’t, who will?

Believe in yourself.

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