Focus On Your Core Gifts

Enter every activity without giving mental recognition
 to the possibility of defeat. Concentrate on your strengths,
instead of your weaknesses... on your powers, instead of your problems. “
-Paul J. Meyer

The reason why a lot of us are not happy and satisfied with the way we live life is because we don’t focus on our core gifts. I would like to define “Core Gifts” as those unique talents, skills and traits bestowed upon us by God so that we may be able to live quality lives and fulfill our life purpose.

Unfortunately, a lot of us don’t focus our time, energy and attention on using and developing our core gifts. The main reason is because majority of us have subscribed to the idea that we should meet the expectations of people even if it means kissing their butts. We want to please everybody; our parents, our friends, our coworkers and even people we don’t know because a lot of us don’t want to be perceived as weird or different. We really want so badly to belong to the point that we give up our core gifts and even our identity. With that, we wind up living poor quality lives because we’re not able to extend ourselves to become the best persons we’re ought to be by focusing on our core gifts.

But the thing is, boys and girls, the reason people who are enjoying success and making things happen in the world are in the position they’re in is because they focus on their core gifts. William Shakespeare is a great writer because he focused on his core gift: writing. Michael Jordan is a legendary basketball player because he focused on his core gift: playing basketball. Michael Jackson is a legendary musician because he focused on his core strength: music. Jose Rizal is our national hero because he focused on his core gifts: his intelligence and boldness. I can go on and on mentioning these great people but the main reason why great people are great is because they focus on their core gifts, on their strengths, on what they’re passionate about.

The problem with a lot of us people is that we tend to be the jack of all trades. I believe that this is the problem in school. In school, you got to be good in everything. You got to be great in Math even if you’re not good at it. You got to be great in sports even if you’re not good at it. You got to be great in History even if you’re not good at it. But, ladies and gentlemen, here’s my point:

“In school, you’re successful if you’re great in everything.
But in life, you become successful if you focus on your core strengths.”

If you’re too eager to please everybody then you’d live as an ordinary man and die as an ordinary man. Only those who focus on their core gifts to serve others and live out their life purpose are able to create an impact in the world.

To focus on your core gifts, you ask the following questions to yourself:
“What things have I really been good at?”
“What things do people praise me for being good at?”
“What am I passionate doing in life?”

By answering these questions, you’ll be able to identify your core gifts and focus on these core gifts. And like anything else, God calls each and one of us to develop and use our core gifts to serve others and fulfill our purpose in life.

Focus on your core gifts and become the person God meant you to be.

Note: I’ve been thinking about it and I realized that one of my core gifts and passion in life is to communicate. I find ways to communicate to people their true worth and what God intends them to be so that they can become the greatest and fullest persons they can be. With this, I would like use my core gift of communication and make myself available for God’s use by giving free talks on the following areas: Time Management, Leadership Development, Living Life and Financial Education.  If you want to book an appointment with me to speak to your group/circle, feel free to contact me. God bless!

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