Take Responsibility

 “I am the master of my fate.
I am the captain of my soul.”
-Invictus, Willian Ernest Henley

There are a lot of things in life we can’t control. Unfortunately for a lot of us Filipinos, we tend to focus our time, attention and energies on these things. We blame everything (the government, the environment, people and even our parents!) but not ourselves for the way we live our lives.
It seems like the average Filipino believes that the way his life is shaped is heavily dependent on the external environment. It’s not a wonder then why a lot of us are having a hard time in life because a lot of us are not mature enough to take responsibility for the way we live life. A lot of poor people rely on the government, the lottery and Wowowee to take care of them. A lot of Filipino workers don’t have the guts to build their own businesses so they resort to working for an employer even if the pay is below minimum wage or go out the country to be an OFW. A lot of aging Filipinos don’t have any financial capability to support themselves so they rely on their children to take care of them in their old age.   A lot of us are very irresponsible. A lot of us believe that the life we’re living is not our own but someone else.

Well, friends, I’ve got news for you: It’s not the fault of the government, people around you or your parents for the way you live life now but it’s your responsibility. This is your life! And since this is your life, you take responsibility for the actions you take. You are who you are today because of the decisions you made yesterday. Yes, how we’re raised, the environment we live in, our parents and our past play are big factors in shaping the way you live life now and these things are not under your control. But the thing is, it doesn’t matter how these things not under your control influence the way you live life but what matter most is your attitude towards these things.

“Between stimulus and response is your ability to choose your response.”
-Viktor Frankl, World War 2 death camp survivor and psychologist

Yes, there a lot of things we don’t have control in life but what matter is how we respond to these things. The key is to focus on the things you can control in life and to let of the things you can’t. As the Alcoholic Anonymous motto best said it, “Lord, grant me the power to influence the things I can influence and the serenity to let go of the things I can’t.” There’s something more to life than just spending it on things we don’t have control. Life is meant to be focused on the things we can influence and to expand this circle. By doing so, we’ll be able to live quality lives and create a bigger impact towards the way we live life and the lives of others.

And I’m not suggesting we should be apathetic on the things we can’t control. What I would encourage each and one of us to do, though, is to stop the blaming and complaining. And to start doing something about the things we can do something about and let go of the things we can’t. In doing so, we become the fullest persons we can be and allow ourselves to live the purpose we’re meant to live.

Take responsibility and truly live life!

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