The First Things

Have you ever found yourself wishing you have more hours in a 24-hour day to finish the things you need to finish, do the things you want to do and be with the people you love and matter to you? Have you found yourself doing a lot of things only to realize that despite all the things you’ve accomplished for the day you feel so drained and not producing the results you want in life? Have you felt that you’d rather be investing your time on more important things than doing the things you’re doing in a daily basis?

Time Crisis
Friends, a lot of us feel frustrated with the fact that despite all the effort we exert on managing our time efficiently, we don’t seem to accomplish enough and we feel we’re running in an endless treadmill where we end up doing more and not have the time for more important things in life.
It’s a vicious cycle where the more you manage your time efficiently, the more you don’t have time. With that, families are broken, friendships forgotten and we find ourselves dying as each day passes by. Despite of living in the Information Age where a vast body of information, options and opportunities is present, we can’t seem to find the answer of how to manage our time to get the results we want in life. In fact, a lot of us blame the time we live in because it seems like we’re demanded to use our 24-hour day everyday to produce more and more without leaving any time left for more important things. We live in a time where time is a very scarce commodity, a time crisis.

If working harder, smarter and faster won’t solve it, what will?

Management VS Leadership
Peter Drucker, a renowned business management thinker, distinguishes leadership and management as, “leadership focuses on doing the right things while management focuses on doing things right.” Management is concerned on processes and efficiency (doing more things with less) while leadership is concerned on direction and effectiveness (the right and important things).

The reason why a lot of people are not living the quality life they want to live is because they don’t lead their time but they manage it. They focus on efficiency, on doing a lot of urgent but not important things instead of focusing on effectiveness, on doing important things. As the old saying goes, “it doesn’t matter how high you climb the ladder of success if the ladder is leaning in the wrong wall.” In other words, it doesn’t matter how fast we do things or hardworking we are if the things we’re doing aren’t important at all.

The Solution
“Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.” –Goethe

The key to managing your time is not to manage it at all but to lead it. In living your daily life, the solution to living the quality life you want is to FOCUS ON IMPORTANCE. And the only way you can focus on what’s important is to ask yourself honestly the question:

“What’s really important for me in life?”

Investing your time effectively entails a sense of self awareness, of knowing what you truly want, what’s important to you and what you’re called to do in life. By being able to identify what’s important to you, you’ll be able to put the first things that matter to you in your life and, by doing so, you’ll be able to live the quality life you want. The key is to identify what’s important to you and to dedicate your time and attention around what’s important.

The Deathbed
We all know that our time here on Earth is limited. God has given each and one of us this thing we call”Life” as an opportunity to become the greatest persons we can be. We do God a disservice and we can’t achieve our purpose in life if we spend our time on things that don’t matter to us at all.

In their deathbeds, nobody has ever said they would like to spend more time in the office or wished they had more time to waste it. But a lot of people in their deathbeds had regrets and wished they should had invested their time on family, friends, their passions and the other important things in their lives. The cemetery is filled with a lot of dead people who once lived but regretted the way they lived life because they wasted their time on things that are not important.

How about you? Would you like to be in your deathbed and have regrets in the way you lived life because you were not able to invest your time on things and people important to you? Friends, don’t be in your deathbed and regret the way you live life. While you’re still alive and have time, identify what’s truly important to you and dedicate every bit of your time, attention and energy on these important things. By doing so, you’d be able to truly live this thing God has given called “Life” and put the first things first.

Note: In my desire to help people become the best persons they can be, I would like to make myself more available for God’s use by providing mentorship, consultations and giving talks and workshops on Time Leadership to as many people as possible. These are all for free, of course. If you would like to learn more on how to invest and lead your time more effectively, feel free to contact me. I’d be more than glad to invest my time on people who wants to live the time of their lives effectively.

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