Letting Go Of Baggages

"By letting it go it all gets done.

The world is won by those who let it go."
-Lao Tzu

There are a lot of things we value and aspire in life. All of us are called to value our relationships with our family and friends, talents and skills. Many value achievement, honor, richness and fame.
These gifts and cravings are blessings from God so that we may be able to enjoy the fullness of a life worth living. Being blessed with these gifts and the ability to aspire for more in life, we are called to be stewards of these blessings so that we can become the persons God ought us to be by blessing the lives of others.

Having these values and aspirations is normal and is intended for good. Unfortunately, it becomes a hindrance in living a quality life if we use these gifts and cravings to satisfy only ourselves. What makes these suppose to be good gifts and cravings bad is that when we become too attached with these things, ideals and people for the purpose of serving only the self. If we become obsessed and possessive with these things, these become baggages instead of springboards in our life’s journey. Instead of living a fulfilling life, we trouble ourselves with these baggages we don’t want to let go because of our being too attached.

As an example, there’s nothing wrong with being financially rich and wanting to become more financially prosperous if it’s meant to serve others and to help us achieve our fullest potentials. What makes it wrong is if we become too attached with this idea of being financially rich. It becomes wrong when we derive our security and identity by this being attached to money. That’s why, there are a lot of people who look financially successful in the outside but are really insecure in the inside because they compare their net worth with other people. If they have a higher net worth, they feel good. If they don’t, they panic. It’s a vicious cycle of feeling the illusion of security and insecurity. There’s no end to it. That’s what happens when we become attached to something. We become slaves to it.

Like other things, people and ideals we value and aspire, these things hinder us from becoming the best persons we’re ought to be if we put what we value the center of our lives as the very things that defines our security, identity and purpose.

What then should be done? The key is to become detached with these things. And no, I’m not saying that you should break your relationships with the people you love or throw your money away. What I’m saying is to have that attitude of being able to live life to the fullest with or without these things. Use these blessings to serve others and to become the person you’re meant to be. You can’t go on in your journey in life being slowed down by these baggages. You need to let go of your being too attached with these baggages. By letting go, you become secure of your identity and purpose in life. You’re no slave to no one or nothing by letting go. This gives you extraordinary freedom to live the fullest life you can live.

By letting go of unnecessary baggages, we position ourselves to live quality lives, bless the lives of others and become the persons God intends us to be.

"Some think it's holding on that
makes one strong; sometimes it's letting go."
-Sylvia Robinson

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