Make The Most Of What You Have

“If only I was born rich, I’d be able to do all the things I want.”
“If only I was older, people would respect me more.”
“If only I was younger, I’d be able to take more risks.”
“If only my family is normal, I’d fit in different groups.”
“If only I was more politically powerful, I’d change the world.”
“I’m poor. I’ll never be rich.”

All of us have heard of these similar statements over and over again from different people. And probably, you may be one of those people who is doing so. A lot of us call it “reality” or facts and some call it “excuses” but I prefer to call it “bullshit.”

What You See Is What You Get

“The definition of insanity is 
doing things over and over again 
and expecting different results.” 
-Albert Einstein

A lot of people are dissatisfied with the quality of lives they are living. They feel that if only they could be somebody and somewhere else better, they’d be able to live the life they want.

Hustling While You Wait

Note: If you’re a loser who is satisfied seeing yourself stagnating and has no interest in becoming a better person, save your time by not reading this article. If not, read on.

“Change is not a process for the impatient.”
-Barbara Reinhold

In the world we live in today, people have come to believe that what is faster is always better. Be it on the food you eat at McDonald’s, the car you drive on top speed to reach from point A to B, or getting instantly the information you need at Google. Ah yes, faster is way better. But is it really? Sure, technology has helped people live better lives but, at the same time, the most impatient people you’ll ever meet are those people you meet today and, maybe, you might be one too. Even at times when there’s no need to do so, it seems like wherever you look people are always in a hurry. But there are always instances when the best thing to do is to wait. Some of these instances may include looking for Mr./Mrs. Right, working on a promotion, earning a diploma, building a healthy lifestyle, or simply falling in line to pay for groceries. And the mistake is, most people equate waiting with doing nothing, being passive, or “killing time.”

Discipline: Between Dreaming and Living The Dream

The successful person has the habit of doing the things failures don't like to do. They don't like doing them either necessarily. But their disliking is subordinated to the strength of their purpose.
-E.M. Gray

A lot of people believe that success in life is a matter of luck, natural talent, or genetics. To some degree, these may be true as we see highly esteemed people have the fame, wealth, and many other things which we want but don’t have. But the thing is, going deeper than the superficialities, do we really know what’s going on behind the scenes on the lives of these people we consider successful? Is it really a matter of chance and inborn talent or is there something more to it than meets the eye?
Look at this guy,
The world knows Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao. If we look at this guy, we can say that he’s a good example of what it means to be successful in life. Here are some cool facts which make this guy awesome:


June 5, 2011 is a special day because in this day I’m able to conquer the Freedom Run 2011 10-Kilometers Event here in Cagayan de Oro City (CdOC). Though running has always been one of my passions ever since I was in grade school and a track and field varsity player in the Ateneo of CdOC, the Freedom Run 2011 10K event was actually the first official 10-Kilometer race I competed . If you’re in Cagayan de Oro City, 10K is like running from Ketkai to Cugman then back to Ketkai. If you live an unhealthy lifestyle where you’re either obese or you smoke a lot, I can tell you that running a 10K is worse than hell itself.

How To Know What You Want In Life

"Half of all people’s life’s problems would have answers if only they can answer this very simple question. It’s so simple, yet a lot of people find it hard to answer. And the question is: WHAT DO YOU WANT?"
-Blade Rivers, Founder of Dubai Lair

My friend, stop fooling yourself into believing that everything in your life is honky dory and you’re walking in sunshine all the time.

Exercise 1: The Funeral

FIND A PLACE TO READ THIS EXERCISE where you can be alone and uninterrupted. Clear your mind of everything except what you will read and what I will invite you to do. Don’t worry about your schedule, your business, your family, or your friends. Just focus with me and really open your mind.

Exercise 2: Your To Do’s In Life

Use the following chart to look at your life over a period of time. In the first column on the following chart, list the things you would really like to do or contributions you would like to make at some time in your life. Then shade in the boxes, indicating when you might want to do each of these things.

Exercise 3: 15 Questions

The following are a list of questions that can assist you in discovering your purpose. They are meant as a guide to help you get into a frame of mind that will be conducive to defining your personal mission. After answering these 15 questions, you’ll gain a better perspective of what you truly want in life.

Why People Are NOT Happy

"Half of all people’s life’s problems would have answers if only they can answer this very simple question. It’s so simple, yet a lot of people find it hard to answer. And the question is: WHAT DO YOU WANT?"

 -Blade, Founder of Dubai Lair

The main reason why majority of people are not happy is because they don’t find any meaning or purpose in living their lives.

Letting Go Of Baggages

"By letting it go it all gets done.

The world is won by those who let it go."
-Lao Tzu

There are a lot of things we value and aspire in life. All of us are called to value our relationships with our family and friends, talents and skills. Many value achievement, honor, richness and fame.

Loving Difficult To Love People

"The most difficult people to
 love are those who need it."
 -Peaceful Warrior, movie

When you see that certain person, your heart beats faster, you breathe deeper and your face turns red. No, it's not your one true love but that person who just ticks you off in every single way. Each and one of us have encountered people who are really difficult to like, how much more to love.

Dealing With Difficult Days

John is a very generous and successful businessman in his late 20’s. He has a lot of thriving businesses and investments globally. People admire this man for his generosity because of his philanthropic works of sending poor kids to school to become businessmen and women someday.

Managing Time and Relationships

“How we treat and see others is a reflection of how
we see and treat our time and, more importantly,

Living Out Your Dreams In Life

When we were kids, a lot of us dream of becoming great singers, rock stars, actors/actresses, astronauts , great doctors, lawyers, speakers, writers, presidents of nations, you name it!

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